Team Availability Form

  • All times MUST be listed in Central Time. To convert your timezone to the appropriate format, click here.
  • Teams are permitted to change their team availability at any time. Any changes will take affect the following match week.
  • If you have any questions, please contact our League Staff.
Please enter your in-game name.
Please enter times in Central Time. If your team is not available this day, simply put “not available”.
Please enter times in Central Time. This field is optional.
Please enter times in Central Time. If your team is not available this day, simply put “not available”.
Please enter times in Central Time. This field is optional.
Please enter times in Central Time. If your team is not available this day, simply put “not available”.
Please enter times in Central Time. This field is optional.
Please enter times in Central Time. If your team is not available this day, simply put “not available”.
Please enter times in Central Time. This field is optional.
Please enter times in Central Time. If your team is not available this day, simply put “not available”.
Please enter times in Central Time. This field is optional.
Please enter times in Central Time. If your team is not available this day, simply put “not available”.
Please enter times in Central Time. This field is optional.
Please enter times in Central Time. If your team is not available this day, simply put “not available”.
Please enter times in Central Time. This field is optional.
Please add any additional information you may have here. This field is optional.